Health care in Poland – is it surely that bad as patients talking? Lies and facts about healing in Poland.

First thing that we heard about our country is complaining about awful roads, dishonest politicians and serious queue to MDs in medical institutions which may last many years.Yes, it is all true, but not at all. Roads are fixed, politicians are changing and health care… There we have the toughter case. If we want to rebuild the our national medical institutions we should to look deeper. First of all – mentioned queue. What would we do with this case?


Autor: BP
Źródło: BP

Polish doctors are looking for higher salary jobs outside the country and when they go to England, Germany or to other countries they do not need to come back. That we need to search replacement. For example – for Ukrainian dentistry in Poland is literally great and they serching the meeting with specialists term in our country. Ukrainian specialists say that same thing and they searching work offers in Poland. So we could change our national specialists with that from abroad. Not just in dentistry in Poland but in other tasks too. Nurses are needed too. Another thing is our national thinking. Patients and their families think that when they forward to main MD or nurse a present, they sould treated greater than others. Is seriously backward looking mentioning and many doctors in big towns deem that behavior as fraud. Only in small towns and villages it is a type of tradition. Illogical tradition because specialists are truly good paid work. Persons who learn much about dentistry in Poland admit that specialists have basic salary and then they earn a lot more on home treatment.

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Autor: KlukovkinPhotography

But we couldn’t, that our medical care is poor. Our National hospitals have to be manage in better way with people who have knowledge about human resources and resource management. And our MDs are really recognized abroad and hospitals in the West will hire them with pleasure. Same task is with another experts. Mechanics, builders are very happy when someone offer them many time better salary in western countries.So it is not that terrible as they talking. Firstly we have to do is to get rid of the complexes. After that we will be able to do something more with another issues.
