![na meczu piłki nożnej na meczu](http://img.hildahanson.co.uk/images/1403/53198b1be84b5___flickr_12977392035_w200.jpg)
There are a variety of miscellaneous factors contributing to fast development of a freestyler. Above all, one of the most influential factors is the regular practice. Thanks to it we can put ourselves on a straight road to quick progress.
It is indicated by the fact that every break makes us lose some habits and things we learned on previous practice sessions. Besides, if we have for instance problems concerning motivation or being concentrated on what we planned to do, we ought to introduce scheduling. Scheduling our trainings in the field of football tricks might help us to observe how much have we reached during for example recent week and adapt the plan for following week to our needs. Another crucial fact that is considered to support many people reach great results in this area is training a partner. This is popular owing to several reasons. First of all, we are provided with an occasion to be corrected if we do something wrong. This kind person still is likely to remain objective and, that’s the reason why, help us see whether we have appropriate or bad attitude. Secondly, a companion may motivate us if we have enough or we feel we don’t develop even a little.