Clients suffer from a lot of serious diseases and many pain-related ailments. That’s why good drugs are needed each day for a lot of patients. The choice in the market is huge. Pharmaceutical producers are trying to get the customer through a lot of ways. There are many effective drugs , but to make the entire sales system operate well, you also need a perfect marketing strategy. Poople are demanding and pay attention to the efficiency, pricing and opinions of other patients. Packaging is also very valid. Nice design and implementation of an attractive packaging means an increase in income for the producers. Producers, however, often decide to change the packaging. There are many reasons why pharmaceutical repackaging is a frequent thing. Some packagings turn out to be impractical and uncomfortable to using. This is a very big defect that may result in a loss of customer interest. Marketing matters are another important reason for changing packaging. Market and consumer needs are changing very quickly. It also causes changes in marketing trends. Manufacturers must adapt their medications to changes so that they are attractive to customers.