I am positive that lots of us actually think that this takes a lot of money to live in a good looking flat. I have to admit that I also believed in this in a similar way for a long time. Nonetheless, 1 day I realized that this was just an excuse. You might be surprised with the world I used, but I initially said “excuse”. It was an excuse not to do anything in my home. Back then, I was telling myself and my family that if I have not enough money to hire a designer, it is pointless to spent money on good looking things because I just can’t be sure how they will look together et cetera. Everything changed when I was visiting one of my friends. She is a single mother. What’s more, she works in the same firm as I do, at the same position. Consequently, I know how much money she has. Therefore I know that she is not reach. But when I entered her place, I was extremely impressed!

Źródło: http://www.flickr.com
In her bedroom there was that beautiful forest wallpaper. It makes the room seems to be much more spacious. This wallpaper made me feel that I am standing at the stage of the forest. Made me feel like I was standing on a terrace and that the gorgeous forest is not only in front of me, but as well behind me – K. Wcisło Demur.
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It was such a nice feeling that I didn’t feel like leaving that apartment. I wanted to stay there and in this forest at least for a while! I know that it might sound ridiculous but photos that are used on modern wallpapers are indeed so realistic that you wouldn’t believe it! Therefore If you still don’t trust me I would recommend you simply to find an example of wallpaper online at the moment and see for your own eyes how amazing these wallpapers are!

Źródło: http://www.flickr.com
Right then when I realized, that I don’t have to have extremely big money to have an apartment look amazing. Good idea is more than enough. I was very impressed with that wallpaper I noticed in my friend’s place that decided to use this solution in my place. Lately I have put graffiti wallpaper in my kid’s bathroom. I believe that I don’t even have to tell you how happy my son was when he saw it! Next week I am going to the mall to buy another wallpaper – this one to my bedroom.