In Poland any individual has two various alternatives of being treated. First is national sector, for free. Another is private clinic, payable. Both has their advantages and flaws, it depends on many cases, any may be handsome for different patients, because of anything. When you are living in Poland dentist is relevant for you right now, you also have the same two methods to get treatment. Let’s find out more about each, possibly it will facilitate your decision process.

In Poland dentist could be for free, when you are owning a medical insurance- website here. To get some, you have to be hired on full-time job, be a student, a kid, or person in advanced age. Nowadays, you do not must to carry any certificate with you, that proofing your rights for free treatment, only pesel number should be required. You are able to get your regular cure, have your tartar discard and so on. When you wish to get any fancy, hi-tech filling into your tooth, it isn’t for free. But the national sector has also few disadvantages. When you want to get a visit to the doctor, every now and then you need to wait for couple weeks for that, because each doctor is very busy. But likely, in moment of emergency you could be cured beside the line.
Different alternative is private practice, but this option is payable, depend on where you are staying, you may pay for each procedure even couple hundreds of zloty! You could locate any practice online if you like, just type down proper sentence, like “Poland dentist private”, for instance. You better select some clinic near to you. If you must to get an appointment, in many situation, you will get a visit for the next day if needed. You will must to pay for each procedure, such as examination, x-ray of your teeth, cure, removal, replacement and a lot more. When you are staying in some big city, but you have parents in the town, you better locate some doctor in there, it could be even several times cheaper. And do not be surprise, when you decide to change your private clinic on public one, and you notice the same dentists – they are working in both clinics to earn more money.
If you have an opportunity to get your cure for free, do it. Because in Poland dentist does not where he labors, is all the time highly qualified, so you do not must to be afraid, about any wrong treatment in public sector- more at. In a lot of situations, in both places labors the same doctors, but in different hours.