light is very important in individuals’s lives.

‘Lighting is a power’ – it is the sentence which probably was told by antique individuals each time they done a successful effort to light a bonfire. Nowadays, few thousand years after ancient people, present individuals still use illuminations but not to make hot but to start burning streets, offices and to make a use of light at their houses. The text will answer the question whether make it sense to start burning streets, monuments and town halls.


Autor: Ronald Sarayudej
The 1st thing is starting burning the roads and roads. The most powerful reason of doing it is offering security to the citizens of the town. The latest researches have presented that in places where are not any street lamps are done much more crimes. Even ancient people have known that illumination drive off their opponents. The more road lamps, mean safer neighborhoods.

Nevertheless, when it comes to starting burning buildings such as town halls, arenas or huge shopping centers, the reasons of making it are not so clear. A lot of individuals can ask the question why our government throws away money on lighting the homes. The reply can be simple – the lighting is done to make an impression on different people and present the power of the town.

Whether it is worth making or not, the readers of the text ought to answer themselves. When it comes to light, it is worth to talk about 2 wonderful works related with light. Those are: city lamplighter and lighthouse owner. Both of those jobs are not famous now, they are part of past, but their activities were very helpful in the history and past plenty individuals. Although, a lamplighter job is a job of the past there is one city where you are able to meet them – the place is Wrocław, (south-west region of Poland) and they start their work in the evening. They wear original uniforms and look like lamplighters from the past times. Nowadays, their work is a type of tourism attraction, but individuals can see how lighting was powerful in the past. light is very influential in individuals’s lives. Thanks right lighting, individuals are able to see in the night and avoid risky circumstances. Moreover, lighting is a part of our past.
