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The last exemplification of thesis that almost every expert in the area of economy agrees with, is connected with increasing role of the sector of services. Contemporarily then we may discover that the foreign capital substantially influences country markets and we may find out that more and more branches of foreign enterprises are opened in bigger cities abroad.
This tendency is related to globalization – a term that has positive as well as negative connotations. in terms of positive side – world no longer has limits and in fact almost everyone is able to travel all around the world as well as communicate with people from miscellaneous places on Earth. Nevertheless, there are also some drawbacks, which are connected with the fact that more and more countries depend on each other.
The same happens in the field of services, as increasingly regularly companies start to expand on foreign markets. Nevertheless, if the economic situation in another country gets worse, it implies big difficulties for the foreign business. In the past the countries didn’t use to be this kind dependent on each other, which is with no doubt one of the most influential challenges we have to face at present in order to become successful.