I think that we need more sense of humour on the road

Many of us had experienced aggression on roads. Sadly, there are lots of angry drivers. They are aggressive as well as dangerous. Such situation might ruin the whole trip. Nonetheless, it is not just uncool. It is also absolutely dangerous. If you are aggressive, you can’t stay focused on driving as much as you should. Angry drivers are more probable to behave risky on the road, while trying to tease other driver with such behaviour as starting to race or avoiding being overtaken.

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Go original and say “no” to lifeless walls in the office!

I was sure that I have already known almost everything when it comes to different kinds of office space. I have been working in lots of offices. Some of them were situated in vast apartments. Often the office was just a typical open space. I have worked also in a tiny, dark room that was used as an office. Some of them didn’t have a window, others didn’t even own separate bathroom (this was located on the staircase and shared with other office). Nonetheless, I have worked as well in very elegant office, where every single thing was carefully planned by top architect. All of those offices were completely different.

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