Pharmaceutical corporations are dozens times more controlLED then any different type of firms. Nothing weird in this, cause people who are producing and distributing drugs, are responsible for health and often also existence, of another human beings.

That’s why, many rules were written to take care of any product that are coming from corporations like that.

Did you ever heard about drug devices? Polish legislation, in medical sector has stern definition of that. It may be any type of machine, tool, program or another product used apart or with different, similar device, made by creator to be use as a device for diagnostic or therapeutic cases about drug devices. It does not have to contain some drugs but it may. Although it isn’t the most important element of drug devices. It is sometimes use for therapy, treatment or mitigation, either in birth control. And because this tool can be use with drugs, sometimes it is difficult to specify, which regulations are accurate in case of current device.

But to avoid any kind of misunderstandings, there are regulations, which are informing us, how to understand each clause in the most recent entry For instance, when drug devices contain any type of medicals but it cannot be use without it, it’s treated such as device. But in case when it could also act separately, it have to be used as pharmaceutical. This differences are important in case, when we are going to the apothecary, and we like to buy each product. If something is just device, in most of cases we don’t need any prescription for it.
Most of us never bother to understand, what exactly are drug devices, also if we’re using it every day.
But in situation when we’ll like to buy anything this kind, one device we may find more difficult to get then another. All because druggists have to fallow proper law, which forbidden him to sell many type of medicals without prescription.